On July 13, 2020 IAG Enterprises Ltd had the privilege of purchasing the land and buildings that have housed Sooke Harbour House for the last 40 years.

Since purchasing the hotel, we have determined that in the time of Covid-19 it is not possible to operate the hotel in a way that lives up to its well-earned reputation for excellence. As such we will remain closed for the time being.

As a management team we are looking to turn the challenge of a forced closure into an opportunity. We will take this time to assess the buildings and property and determine what renovations and improvements we can make to enhance the property and elevate the standards.

It is with great pride and excitement that we undertake this task and understand the importance of respecting the history of the hotel while still looking to the future. Our goal is to re-establish and elevate Sooke Harbour House’s reputation for excellence. In doing so we will work to re-establish the connection between the grounds and the kitchen as well as renewing and revitalizing our connection with the local community.

In order to do this we are requesting feedback from you, the local community as well as from our guests past and future. If you have questions, feedback or past experiences that you think would help us as we work to reopen we would love to hear them. It is with your help and input that we will re-establish Sooke Harbour House as one of Vancouver Islands premier destinations.

Please contact Alex Watson at alex@iagdevelopments.com

On July 13, 2020 IAG Enterprises Ltd had the privilege of purchasing the land and buildings that have housed Sooke Harbour House for the last 40 years.

Since purchasing the hotel, we have determined that in the time of Covid-19 it is not possible to operate the hotel in a way that lives up to its well-earned reputation for excellence. As such we will remain closed for the time being.

As a management team we are looking to turn the challenge of a forced closure into an opportunity. We will take this time to assess the buildings and property and determine what renovations and improvements we can make to enhance the property and elevate the standards.

It is with great pride and excitement that we undertake this task and understand the importance of respecting the history of the hotel while still looking to the future. Our goal is to re-establish and elevate Sooke Harbour House’s reputation for excellence. In doing so we will work to re-establish the connection between the grounds and the kitchen as well as renewing and revitalizing our connection with the local community.

In order to do this we are requesting feedback from you, the local community as well as from our guests past and future. If you have questions, feedback or past experiences that you think would help us as we work to reopen we would love to hear them. It is with your help and input that we will re-establish Sooke Harbour House as one of Vancouver Islands premier destinations.

Please contact Alex Watson at alex@iagdevelopments.com

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